Worcester Wolves 42-50 East London Phoenix

13 1.wwwbpl v elp 26.02.22

Saturday 26th February 2022

By Amir Farhat

The East London Phoenix travelled to Worcester to face off the Wolves in a BWB Women’s Premier League Saturday afternoon action. The two teams met last week in London where the Phoenix edged Wolves 53-42.

Winless so far, the Wolves entered the court looking for their first points of the season. Phoenix got the upper hand in the start and took control of the game. Wolves had some unlucky bounces off the rim in the first and second quarter and while the visitors were able to capitalise on their chances, they managed to build a hefty 16 point lead after two quarters.

Phoenix took the first quarter 8-16 and the second 6-14.

The first half of the third saw just 6 points in total but at the latter half Worcester turned it up a notch. In 5 minutes they netted 12 points and showed Phoenix that they haven’t given up just yet.

Wolves’ surge continued in the last quarter when they pushed as close as 8 points. In the last few minutes, a couple of missed chances and a turnover sealed the deal and Phoenix were able to hold off the hosts. They took home the 2 points with a score of 50-42.

Worcester’s field goal percentage was 23 at half time but in the end, they had lifted that number to 35%. With some luck in the first half, they would’ve fought for the victory. Worcester also capitalised on turnovers, scoring 14 points from 25 turnovers.

East London Phoenix’s Amy Conroy and Beth Wheeler lead the scoring with 16 points each. Worcesters Jade Loughlin and Sarah Hop were third with 12 points each and both securing a double double.

Next Saturday, Wolves hosts the Cardiff Met Archers at the University of Worcester Arena.
