Worcester Wolves 62-104 Ipswich Basketball

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Saturday March 12th 2022

By Amir Farhat

Worcester hosted the fourth placed Ipswich Basketball on a Saturday evening for WNBL action. Wolves who came to the match from back-to-back losses against CoLa Southwark Pride last weekend and were hoping to get back to winning ways.

It was a mixed match for Worcester. The first quarter started well and Wolves were able to hang on with Ipswich. Nuri Seyedagha-Calderon had a good start with a highlight reel basket in the early stages. Ipswich managed to get a 7 point advantage at the first break.

In the second quarter Ipswich were able to get the game in their control. Worcester had a tough time being able to contain the visitors and they couldn’t capitalize on their own chances. Heading to the half time Ipswich had built a solid 23-point lead.

After the break Worcester returned with a new look on their face. They were able to challenge Ipswich, keeping them off the scoresheet. Wolves also managed to score 19 points which was their best feat today.

The match had a disappointing ending for Worcester when in the last quarter Ipswich dominated by a score of 27-9. The final score 104-62 and to visitors.

Turnovers were hugely costly for Wolves today. They gave the ball away too much to Ipswich who capitalized 41 points from Worcester’s errors. Shooting percentages didn’t look good either for the home team. Just 13% in three pointers and a field goal percentage of 30.2.

Chandré Nunez led the team and the game with 26 points so individually she had a great game once again. Ipswich’s duo of Cameron Taylor-Willis and Saruna Gudza were second and third with 23 and 14 points respectively. 

The Wolves round out the regular season this Sunday at the University of Worcester Arena when they welcome Team Solent Kestrels, tip off 2pm.
