Worcester Wolves 68-84 Loughborough Riders

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Saturday 15th January 2022 – By Amir Farhat

Worcester Wolves made their return to the University of Worcester Arena, facing off against third-place Loughborough Riders on Saturday afternoon. Wolves entered the game hoping to end their two-game losing streak.

Loughborough played effectively right from the beginning, taking the lead in the early stages of the match. They were able to capitalise on their chances while Wolves were struggling to capitalise on their opportunities.

The Riders controlled the game in nearly every aspect in the first two quarters, taking 11 steals – 4 from Worcester –  and scoring 23 points from turnovers while Worcester only managed to score three.

Trailing 32 – 47, after the half-time Wolves returned to the field with a fight-back mentality. They showed that they’re not going to give up easily and came as close as eight points while taking the third quarter by a score of 20-17.

Fouls from the Riders played a big part in the third when the Wolves were given three free throws in a span of a minute.

In the last quarter, Loughborough managed to regain control of the game and took the victory by a score of 84 – 68.

Worcester’s positives from today were the bench points which they took 19-15 and a very impressive free throw percentage of 88, (22/25). They also scored on 50% of their 3 point attempts, (8/16).

Chandré Nunez was on fire again as she topped the point totals with 32, had nine rebounds and three steals.

Coach Ryan Emery was happy with how his team played today.

“Fantastic performance from the girls. We really showed what the Wolves women’s basketball is all about. Loughborough is a quality opponent and we ran them close.”

“We are going to learn a lot from today and keep on moving forward.”

Next Saturday, Worcester faces the 10th place Reading Rockets at the University Arena.
