Coaches Corner: January 8th 2021.

zak riabi

Head Coach Matt Newby shares his thoughts ahead of our first game of 2021 against Glasgow Rocks this evening with the latest Coaches Corner.

Dear Wolfpack,

I hope you’re looking forward to this evenings BBL double bill on Sky Sports which will see University of Worcester Arena in all its glory and on Sky Sports.

As we speak the facility staff and technicians are putting the final touches on game day set up and the arena looks immaculate.  In the first game today will see the North West rivalry reignited between Manchester Giants and Cheshire Phoenix and Coaches Ben Thomas and Danny Byrne matching up for the first time since the BBL Cup stages.

Then at 19:30 the Wolves match up with the Glasgow Rocks.  The opportunity for the league to be on this platform and increase its reach is huge and the events that have run thus far have been incredible well received with an excellent panel of experts and commentary team and obviously high level production.

Every club around the league is doing its upmost to drive the season forward and the volume and frequency of games means we are currently at the forefront in terms of exposure for the sport.  This is good for the game and for those who love the game who currently can’t engage with one another on court within our strong sporting communities and basketball fraternity.

Across the country, COVID continues to present significant barriers to everyday life and at this moment is stopping  young people from picking up a ball and playing and learning the merits of engaging in sport.  I hope the games across all media platforms engage and enthuse those that already love the game of basketball and help us as a sport gain new participants and fans and broader support from all areas.  On that note I hope all your families and friends are safe and well.

Tonight you will see some new faces on the arena floor as Lamarr “Fresh” Kimble, Brandon Anderson, KJ Lawson and Mike “Boogie” Parks, as our newly arrived US contingent makes its home debut.

These young men will offer versatility to our roster and all have settled in well and I am excited to see how our team evolves and players relationships develop on the floor.

Tonight we also see Matthew Bryan Amaning in Wolves Jersey for the last time as his short term contract comes to an end.  I personally would like to thank him for his professionalism and commitment to us and recognise the very consistent outputs he has given us in the short time he has been on the floor.  We still have injuries in the camp: DJT and Josh McSwiggan both of which will be returning once medically cleared. 

Our opposition this evening comes in the form of the Glasgow Rocks who will be vying to catch two wins this weekend as they face London Lions on Saturday.  The Rocks will be tough and have seen their on roster bolstered by two new acquisitions 7’0 Ronald Delph who played in the Canadian NBL last season and the highly rated Christian Keeling who finished his NCAA career under the stewardship of Roy Williams at North Carolina following a stellar three years at Charleston Southern.

We will also see former Wolves forward and BBL Cup Winner Julius Van Sauers back in the arena, complimenting a well-rounded and athletic unit. Coach Gareth Murray is doubling up in his roles this year still very much active on the floor bringing his high IQ and well-rounded understanding of game to the chalk board as well as the hardwood.

As is the rocks ethos a Scottish core still resides in the form of Jonny Bunyan and Fraser Malcom and savvy recruitment sees two strong pickups in French duo David Mpondo and Marc Kwedi bringing further versatility to the floor.

Personally I am excited about the remainder of the season, the league is stronger again this year and we have the opportunity to establish ourselves in the upper tier of the league with this roster. There are still three pieces of silverware to chase and the players and myself have a desire to be in those conversations.

Finally a quick thank you to all the UOW Arena Staff and support staff for their hard work in ensuring our training and playing environment is healthy and safe.

