Wolves Star to Launch ‘Inspirational’ Autobiography

zak riabi

One of the stars of the Worcester Wolves’ impressive British Basketball League (BBL) campaign will be launching his extraordinary autobiography at the University of Worcester Arena next month.

Point Guard Alex Owumi has played a huge part in the Wolves’ promising campaign, which has seen them consistently challenging at the top of the BBL table.

However, Owumi’s story prior to arriving in Worcester is far more than just a tale of a young boy achieving his dream of becoming a professional basketball player, as he details in his book, ‘Qaddafi’s Point Guard’, which has already attracted interest from film producers.

Born in Nigeria, Owumi settled in America as a child, and pursued his ambition of earning his living playing basketball. After stints playing in France and Macedonia, Owumi moved to play in Benghazi, Libya.

It was here that Owumi found himself playing for a team owned by one of the most globally notorious national leaders of recent times, Colonel Gaddafi. Gaddafi owned the team and Owumi lived in an apartment belonging to one of the dictator’s sons.

In 2011, Owumi found himself in the middle of the revolution to overthrow Gaddafi, and in his book recalls the horrors he witnessed whilst living in the midst of the bloody civil war.

After a desperate period during which he was forced to survive with no food, water or electricity and saw his neighbours being raped, Owumi escaped the carnage of Libya, moving to play basketball in the relative safety of a post-revolution Egypt.

The book has already earned wide praise, and Owumi says he is looking forward to launching it in his new hometown of Worcester next month.

“It’s an honour for me to be able to launch my book at the University of Worcester Arena,” he says. “The University of Worcester and the Worcester Wolves have been extremely supportive, and I am very grateful to them.”

Mick Donovan, Head of Sports and Exercise Science at the University and co-founder of the Worcester Wolves, has watched Owumi turn in a series of impressive performances as the Wolves have mounted a title challenge in the BBL this season, and believes that the Point Guard’s story is ‘inspirational’.

“Alex has been on a very interesting and challenging journey, and I’m sure people will find his personal account both enlightening and inspirational,” he says.

The book launch will take place in the University Arena Conference Suite on February 4th, from 6pm. The event is free, but attendees must register by emailing rsvp@worc.ac.uk, or calling 01905 544010.

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